
The Cyberblock DB Kit uses common standards for all software components. Other guides & instructions found on the internet should be accurate and provide much better details than whats provided here.

Pi Hole

The container provided by the PiHole project is used. Therefore, any documentation from the PiHole project is applicable & valid for the Cyberblock DB kit.

password change

Pi Hole does not currently support changing its password through the Web UI. Therefore, it must be done via the command line

  1. SSH to the Hardware kit. The hostname 'cyberblock.local' should always work
  2. Log in using the OS credentials for the cb username. Initial credentials are provide on the kit information sheet
  3. docker exec pihole pihole -a -p {PASSWORD}


  1. SSH to the Hardware kit. The hostname 'cyberblock.local' should always work
  2. Log in using the OS credentials for the cb username. Initial credentials are provide on the kit information sheet
  3. docker image pull pihole/pihole:latest
  4. /storage/container/pihole/

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Linux Operating system

The kit uses the Armbian distribution. All normal configuration & maintenance tasks are standard Linux things.