Cyberblock DB was created to make the same Threat Intelligence used by large organizations, available and useful to existing home networking products. Cyberblock DB combines multiple sources of information to create comprehensive protection from:
Cyberblock DB allows users to enhance the capabilities of their existing network protection to levels of protection typically only attained by large organizations. By utilizing Cyberblock DB's service, you will be able to protect your home network and all devices on it with the same Threat Intelligence used by corporations and security professionals.
Cyberblock DB provides databases to be utilized by existing network security products. Since protection is created at the network level, all home network devices receive protection. This is the same approach taken by large organizations and protects:
Cyberblock DB constantly updates its databases to stay current with the latest Internet trends and security issues.
Cyberblock DB constantly curates its databases from many online Threat Intelligence sources so you don't have to.
Cyberblock DB only provides database lists and since all security filtering and processing is done within your home network. No information leaves your control.
By utilizing the Cyberblock DB product, your network security can control and restrict devices on the home network from sending information out to unintended recipients or other network threats.
Cyberblock DB is a subscription service. This service provides databases that existing home networking products can utilize to create cyber security protections for the home network.