In order to utilize the Cyberblock DB service, some sort of always on computer is needed on the home network. Cyberblock DB offers a kit to provide the necessary hardware & software to customers that may not want to spend the time and effort assembling their own always on computer system.
The Cyberblock DB Kit provides a small, low power computer to run the necessary software and necessary cables to connect it to the typical home router. It comes preloaded with the Linux Operating System and the Open Source Pi Hole DNS Filtering software which is compatible with Cyberblock DB databases.
When purchased, the provided hardware is the customers property and is general purpose enough to handle additional work loads if desired. It is not limited to Cyberblock DB services only.
It does not phone home. It is not locked out. Each kit comes with a unique set of credentials for both the Linux Operating System and Pi Hole DNS filter that are provided. Owners can then utilize these credentials to configure, manage, and use the system for what ever they like.
The Kit is created from readily available components.
The Orange Pi Zero computer takes very little power and is able to be powered by home routers that have a USB port. This makes the installation very simple & clean cable wise.
The kit comes preloaded with all the software necessary to perform DNS Filtering on a home network. It is compatible with Cyberblock DB services.
The software has been configured with secure best practices in mind. These best practices are the same typically used by big business organizations.